Saturday, March 8, 2008

High Tech House Search

So I'm moving soon. Mostly because my son will soon be in kindergarten and when I bought my house way back when he wasn't even a glimmer in my eye. So I wasn't paying attention to school districts in the frenzy of house buying at the hight of the internet bubble at the turn of the century. But now I care a lot, and it's the over riding factor.

But in those scant eight years (good lord is it that long???) technology has really advanced. Currently I've got a Google map that I'm cross referencing locations of houses with the good schools. Now this could be made slightly easier if the good school site had a publicly available map overlay site. I was about to say the same thing about Craig's List, but as part of my due diligence I did a search, and duh... already been done.

This is why one has a blog, to find out stuff you should have already known. And then to be redirected with other useful tips. So enough blogging, I've got to set up my little control room. Now here's hoping that soon my custom map would show up on my iPhone. Because that would be the best.

Again after taking a few minutes to ACTUALLY TEST IT, rather than just complaining I find that it ... kinda works. I can see the maps in the web browser, just not in the application. Which is good enough to take it out in the field, just not incredibly awesome. Here's hoping that Google updates the native app soon.

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